Makes ya wanna think.

Posts tagged “swans

Slow Dusk Paddle around Martel Lake

Still getting used to the seizure meds. I rarely drink. Had a beer out on the lake which turned our dusk canoe trip into a long leisurely paddle.

2011-08-15 Martel Sunset etc. 028Three Trumpeter Swans have been hanging out on local lakes. They were sitting in the forest when we paddled around a point and startled them into the water.

2011-08-15 Martel Sunset etc. 093

The Swans were between me and the sun so I drifted and let them swim east. Here they are just under the sunset.

2011-08-15 Martel Sunset etc. 104

Travis swam after them when they neared the east shore of Martel. They avoided him until he tired and then they followed him to shore. He’s sleeping soundly by my bed right now.

2011-08-15 Martel Sunset etc. 154

I wrote a draft of a Channel Zilch query letter today. Tomorrow I send it to an agent.